About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to be our customers’ trusted partner, delivering total business support solutions to enable our customers to focus on their core business.

We were born and raised in Africa and since 1990 we have been growing our business support services company into the Africa’s most trusted outsourcing partner, supplying some of our country’s most prestigious brands.

Like Southern Africa itself we set our sights on growth early on, knowing we had the potential to really make a difference to the lives of the people we work with – both our customers and our employees – by helping them succeed.

Our customers want to focus on their core business – what they’re really good at. What we’re really good at is focusing on our customers’ non-core business. We support our customers to succeed every step of the way

Our Vision

The group’s vision is simple. We seek to improve the quality of life for our customers by continuously improving our products, services, and delivery systems

Our Values

In charting the next stages of our journey, we are proud to preserve the values instilled in the Company by its founders which we continue to be inspired and guided by:

  • Uncompromising integrity, honesty, transparency and fairness will continue to remain at the heart of the company.
  • We will not relent in our commitment to excellence, dedication to quality and speed in execution.
  • We will deliver on every commitment we make; we will meet and aim to exceed the expectations placed on us by our stakeholders and we will continue to work towards building long-term partnerships and relationships.
  • We will continue to enhance diversity in our workforce and to encourage openness, teamwork, trust and an inclusive culture.
  • We are determined to offer our people every opportunity to have a full and rewarding career within the Group and we will continue to work in partnership to create a better future for all our people.
  • We will continue to invest in our people and to encourage new ideas, innovation and technological leadership.
  • We are deeply committed to the health and safety of our employees and to safeguarding the environment; we maintain a “zero-tolerance” safety policy.
230Properties Developed

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

