Our Company in a glance

About Cernic Finance Group

Cernic Finance Group is a remarkable success story in Southern Africa. One of the most respected enterprises; it has grown along with the developments in the Southern Africa. The Group is a leading stakeholder in Finance, Advisory and other industries.

Its stakes are seen in major business interests, with over 120 enterprises in the Southern African region. It is globally recognized through its Divisions: Developments, Contracting & Construction, Micro financing, Investments, Advisory, Derivatives, Earth Moving , and Property Development with highly-qualified and experienced professionals, Cernic Finance Group operates in Southern Africa and international markets. Its manpower team now exceeds 1,000, and is expected to grow in line with its expansion.

The core of its values and principles lies in the competent leadership of its division managers, the wealth of experience of its manpower, and fair enterprise in spite its position amid the current competition. Thus, for over a decade, Cernic Finance Group has become an institution of confidence and success in multi-industry across Southern Africa

Hisec Protection

HI-SEC Protection is a company that was established in 2006. A wholly Zimbabwean owned entity, HI-SEC is operated by qualified and experienced personnel focused on providing Protection services to individual and corporate clients.

Cernic Finance

Cernic Finance Company is an alternative lender, providing debt solutions to African companies who are unable to access the mainstream banking market for some or all of their capital requirements. Our areas of expertise are: Micro finance, Investment, Advisory and Derivative services.

Northen Tower Plant & Equipment

We deliver safe, reliable and well maintained mining equipment to build the operational capacity of our national client base. Backed by over 10 years of professional experience.

Prime Time Investments

Our extensive expertise cover all aspects of property development, from concept to the final design touches, resulting in a consistent product every time.

Its stakes are seen in major business interests, with over 120 enterprises in the Southern African region. It is globally recognized through its Divisions: Developments, Contracting & Construction, Micro financing, Investments, Advisory, Derivatives, Earth Moving , and Property Development


We work in partnership with all the major technology suppliers, developing first class solutions for our clients.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

